THE ROCKPORT MEN’S GROUP will meet on Thursday, March 13th at 6:30 pm at the church for a potluck dinner. There will be a great meal and time for fellowship. Bill Eyman will make a presentation titled Understanding Ableism: A Christian Perspective. Ableism is a deeply ingrained prejudice that marginalizes and discriminates against individuals with disabilities. It’s based on the idea that people with disabilities are less valuable than people without disabilities. Ableism manifests in many different ways, from subtle comments to open hostility. Ableism is rooted in the assumption that disabled people require fixing and defines people by their disability. Like racism and sexism, ableism classifies entire groups of people as “less than” and includes harmful stereotypes, misconceptions, and generalizations of people with disabilities. Everyone is invited to come and hear this informative presentation by Bill. Come and enjoy this special time together.