Lenten Devotions 2022
Welcome on this Lenten journey!
Lent takes us on the path of remembrance, reflection, and repentance. When we open ourselves up to the invitation that God sends to us, we may find that we are transformed and deepened in faith and love.
Each week we invite you to really spend your week meditating, praying, using this as a guide on this journey… take some quiet time throughout the week to center yourself, putting God IN that center, with all of the hope and grace that Jesus’ resurrection brings.
Ash Wednesday begins our Journey!
"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Pray for a quiet heart, and set a time with God every day, and just be in God’s presence.
What do we celebrate this week?
This week we begin our journey to the most important event in Christian History: Jesus’ resurrection. God’s greatest gift to all of us EVER. Spend some time this week being grateful that we are HIS and He loved us enough to sacrifice His only son… to save US.
What do we lift up to God for help in prayer this week?
This week we ask for God to protect all of His children who are caught in the middle of War and suffering. Pray for the needs in your own life, as well. Spend as much time as you are able in prayer for help, healing, and love.
Scriptures for the Week:
Ephesians 1:17-19
I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe, according to the working of his great power.
John 8:12
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’
Week One: PHOTO OPP:
What do you see in God’s Creation that will make you reflect on the wonder that is God. Each week try to capture a photo so that you can go back and look at it when you’re having some just you time with God, or doing your Lenten Devotions, or whenever you need to look at something that God has created and not something man-made.
The Sun Shows us God’s Hope, Life, and Wisdom
We know that God is THE ultimate light!!!!
When the sun shines we can see the power of it, and it represents a loving Life-giver who cares for creation. It shows us God’s blazing love for not only us, but the world around us. HE GAVE us life and a way for us to sustain that life.
Try a Repeat after me prayer together all week, maybe at dinner, or before bedtime. Ask the kids to add to the prayer with the things that they may want to give over to God to help with or even to thank Him about.