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How wonderful it was to have so many of our alumni clergy and members in attendance this past Sunday as we gathered in our beautiful outdoor sanctuary for our 2nd event in our 200th Anniversary Celebration series.  Preaching by David Wilcox took many of us back to the late 1980s and early 1990s when Rockport was blessed to have the Wilcox family at our church.  After a hearty breakfast of homemade buttermilk pancakes, eggs and sausage, many old and young took the walk across the street to tour Rockport’s original church.  Built in 1847 and one of the oldest structures in Rocky River is Rockport’s first church building with much of the construction work done by the congregation.  This building was used until 1947 when a brick church costing $26,000 was built to the north side.  Rockport’s second sanctuary was attached to the original building and had 200 seats which was twice the seating capacity of the original church.  Both of the interiors of these buildings are currently under construction but the large basement meeting area is updated and on one side a meeting room, the original log floorboards under our Pre-Civil War building could be seen.  Many members were interested in hearing about the services offered currently in the building that is now called The Recovery Church and offers meeting space for people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.  Donations from breakfast totaling $214 were given to The Recovery Church to help with their recovery mission.  Rockport’s 1847 members would certainly be proud that their church building continues to serve the community 175 years later.  Please join us on September 18th for the 3rd and final event in our 200th Anniversary Celebration!  Please be sure to RSVP as we are having a catered meal.


Are you looking for something to do on a Saturday night?  Look no further.  Come and enjoy game night here at Rockport on Aug. 6th & 20th at 6pm.  A light dinner will be provided as well as childcare.  Please sign-up on the bulletin board to attend and/or host and let us know if you will need childcare.


will be doing a program of the churches in Rocky River.  The program is scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 2022, from 7:00 to approximately 8:30pm, and will be held at the Beach Education Center, 1101 Morewood Pkwy.  Entrance and parking is off Detroit Rd. and entry is through door A.Rockport will be a part of this program and Scott Holchin, our resident Rockport historian, will put together a 5-10 minute presentation highlighting Rockport’s 200 years of history, cultural roots, and ministries offered to the community.  Twelve churches are being invited, and each Church will have a table to display photos and handouts, as well.  Light refreshments will be available.  All are encouraged to attend


Rockport’s choir is singing during the Rockport UMC 200th celebration on Sunday, September 18, 2022 with the Singing Angels Alumni Group.  There will be a joint rehearsal on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 from 7-8:30 PM for all current, former, and new choir members who want to participate. I look forward to getting back together and sharing God's word through song. In service, Susan J. Shick

The Rockport Men’s Group will meet on Thursday, September 8th at 6:30 pm for a potluck cookout. There will be a great meal and time for fellowship.  Come and enjoy this special time together!

We are looking at restarting our email/phone prayer chain for immediate prayers needed during the week.  If you are interested in being a part of this prayer chain, please email/phone the church.

BOOK CLUB:   Please join us on Tuesday, Aug. 30th at 7:30pm at Dianne Hall’s house for fellowship and discussion.  Bring a dessert or appetizer to share.  Marie Benedict’s work of historical fiction, The Only Woman in the Room, tells the life story of Hedy Lamarr, a famed actress of the 1930s and 1940s. The 2019 novel rewrites Lamarr’s legacy by focusing on her path towards inventing a frequency-hopping radio technology that anticipates wi-fi. Benedict uses the political machinations of WWII and Hedy’s experiences to explore performativity, guilt, and sexism. Hope to see you all on Aug. 30th for food, fellowship and discussion!

Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 - 2:00pm and Fridays from 8:00 - 1:00pm.  
Rev. Don's office hours are Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:00 - 1:00pm

Rockport All Church Information and Financial Reports are accessible here or in the church office.






Calendar of Events:

Friday, Aug. 19, 2022 
     9:45am – Al-Anon 

Saturday, Aug. 20, 2022 
     6:00pm- Game Night 

Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022 
     8:30-9:00am - Early Morning Service
    10:00am - In-Person Outdoor Worship & Live Streamed
      6-8:00pm – Youth Group Dinner & Discussion Group

Thursday, Aug. 25, 2022
     7-9:00pm - Prayer Shawl Ministry

Friday, Aug. 26, 2022 
     9:45am – Al-Anon 

Sunday, Aug. 28, 2022 
     8:30-9:00am - Early Morning Service
    10:00am - In-Person Outdoor Worship & Live Streamed

Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2022 
     6-9:00pm – Rockport hosting SPRC Consultations with the new DS, Rev. Hitchcock,
  for Calvary, Fairview Grace & Rockport
     7:30pm – Book Club at Dianne Hall’s house

Friday, Sept. 2, 2022 
     9:45am – Al-Anon 

Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022 
     8:30-9:00am - Early Morning Service
    10:00am - In-Person Outdoor Worship & Live Streamed

Monday, Sept. 5, 2022 – Church Office Closed for Labor Day

Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022
     6:30pm – Men’s Group 

Friday, Sept. 9, 2022 -Church office Closed (Sara Vacation Day)
     9:45am – Al-Anon 

Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022 
     8:30-9:00am - Early Morning Service
    10:00am - In-Person Outdoor Worship & Live Streamed

Monday, Sept. 12, 2022 – Church Office Closed (Sara Vacation Day)

Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022

     6:30-8:00pm – Good News Kids and M& M’s
     6:30-8:00pm – UMYF Homework Hangout
      7-8:30pm – Choir Rehearsal with Singing Angels Alumni for 200th Celebration Service

Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022 
     8:30-9:00am - Early Morning Service
    10:00am - In-Person 200th Celebration Worship & Live Streamed
    11:15am – Catered 200th Celebration Luncheon
      6-8:00pm – Youth Group Dinner & Discussion Group


Prayer List: 

(please fill out a prayer card in pews, email church office or call to add to this list)
Stella & Craig Thomas, recovering from COVID
Joan, as she adjusts to her new reality.  Sister of Ann DeCrane
Debbie Bryant
, recovering from knee replacement
Janet Eyman, recovering from cataract surgery 
Susan Shick, recovering from cataract surgery 
*Angela Burke, ICU at Akron Summacare with multiple health concerns.  Daughter of Marian Banno
David Stephan, prayers and healing while undergoing cancer treatment
Pattie Sinnes, prayers for strength and healing for her health concerns
Tom Schultz, diagnosed with brain atrophy.  Good friend of the Wilkenson’s
Dave Clinton, health concerns
Debra, cancer returned for third time.  Friend of Lynn Wilkenson
Elsie Gaewsky, prayers for healing and strength
Dennis, healing and strength.  Nephew of Elsie Gaewsky
Brandy, healing and strength.  Requested by Elsie Gaewsky
Betty Jones, prayers for healing
Erna Guia, prayers for healing
Vicki Moenich, prayers for healing
Bill Bowers-Health concerns
Donny Nally, recovering from heart & kidney transplants.  Son of Diana Nally
Katie Patton, single mom of 3 with stage 4 liver cancer. Requested by the Wilkinson’s 
Jan Tietje, medical concerns
Family and friends of Karen who lost her battle with bone cancer.  Sister-in-law of Marian Banno.  
Thanks for all the prayers
Sarah Bungard-Serving our country, Chief Warrant Officer 2 USMC. Requested by the Kopko family

News from our Youth
and Children's Ministries

We will gather for dinner & Discussion. Variety of topics, from school to friends to problems we face, to how it all fits into God’s plan… JOIN US all school year! 
Sunday, August 21st - 6 to 8 p.m.
Sunday, September 18th - 6 to 8 p.m.
Sunday, October 30th - Discussion & Halloween Party - 5 to 8 p.m.
Sunday, November 27th - 6 to 8 p.m.
Sunday,  December 18th - Discussion & Christmas Party - 5 to 8 p.m.
November 4th through 6th
All-Youth Retreat at Wanake, with Conference Youth
September 14th!
Homework Hangout! 6:30 to 8 p.m. (in the Youth Room)
Join us for some food, fellowship, and working on homework! 
SAVE the DATE! September 14th!
Good News Kids! 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Come and join in on the fun! Eat dinner together, activities, music, art, games… and FUN! 
4 yrs old through 6th graders! 
We need 7th through 12th helpers! (I will feed you haha) 
SUKKOT! Sunday October 9th! Youth & KIDS! 4 to 7 p.m.
Come and join us to celebrate the Bible Festival of Sukkot! Learn about the Jewish Holiday, games and activities, have a traditional DINNER, and eat in the Sukkah! Bring a friend! 



(If you do not see your child age 0-17th's birthday, please notify the church office.)

Aug. 3       Spencer & Genevieve Stephan     Aug. 6    Ethan Cluts
Aug. 9       Austyn Mahnen                              Aug. 10  Bella Shick
Aug. 12     Eamon Norris                                 Aug. 19   Isla Norris
Aug. 25     Rowan Norris                      Aug. 26   Kristina Beckman

(If you don't see your wedding anniversary, please notify the church office.)

Aug. 6    Dan & Debbie Bryant, 45 years    Aug. 7    Judith & Greg Varga, 18 years   
Aug. 9    Caitlin & Corey Carlo, 9 years     Aug. 12   Vince & Katie Berardi, 5 years
Aug. 15  Dennis & Kathy O’Neil, 41 years    Aug. 24   Pam & Jeff Omslaer, 20 years
Aug. 28  Shawn & Jennifer Rowan, 23 years

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