Rockport is blessed to have a Choir that practices weekly on Tuesdays at 6pm (we are known to have a few laughs!) and fellowship. Our Ramblers of guitarists, singers, harmonica and more are always expanding their joy of music together and in worship. Also, our Flute solo music continues to bless us.
As we prepare for the birth of Jesus, the choir will be singing in the 10AM Sunday worship services on December 24th, as well as, 5PM Christmas Eve service & Pre-service music featuring the Ramblers at 4:40 PM. "Come and Worship"... Susan Shick, Music Director/Organist
will be closed from December 25th through January 1st. Messages will be checked daily and if there is a pastoral emergency, please call Pastor Don on his cell, 440-391-9823. Christmas blessings to all and a safe New Year!
Thank. you so much for the package you sent in the mail! That was very generous of you and to all those who helped put it together. Thank you for the snacks, crossword puzzles, tissues, and hygiene products! And I especially loved the letters and drawings from the children as well. It made my whole week! As of now in my Air Force career, I’ve finished going through basic training and I’m now onto the next phase of my technical training down here in San Antonio Texas! My job is going to be medical and I’m just learning the basics of how to be an EMT. And its turning out to be a really cool experience so far. Thank you so much for the package and I hope you and your family have a happy holiday! Sincerely, Amber.

To date, we have received 55 pledges totaling $125,486. Thank you to those who have pledged. We have exceeded last year’s pledging which was 52 pledges totaling $108,431. Your financial commitment to Rockport is greatly appreciated.
will meet on Thursday, January 11th at 6:30 pm at the church for a potluck dinner. There will be a great meal and time for fellowship. Scott Holchin will do a presentation on the history of Rockport Church. The rich history of Rockport UMC is a testament to the dedication and faith of its founders and members throughout the years. As we delve into the story of this beloved church, we will uncover its humble beginnings, remarkable growth, and its current position as a pillar of the community. From the earliest days of Rockport UMC, there has always been a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to serving God and the surrounding community. Join us on this journey to explore the remarkable history of Rockport UMC. Everyone is invited to come and hear Scott’s presentation. Come and enjoy this special time together!

Our next book discussion will be on Monday, Jan. 15th @ 7:00pm in the church parlor The book we will be reading is The Children’s Blizzard by Melanie Benjamin “This historical fiction is a story of courage on the prairie, inspired by the devastating storm that struck the Great Plains in 1888, threatening the lives of hundreds of immigrant homesteaders, especially schoolchildren” Hope to see everyone on Jan 15th for food, fun, fellowship and discussion.
Come and join us, bring your lunch and enjoy your food AND a great discussion! We will explore various topics in the church and Bible.
January 22nd (please note this is the 4th Monday, as the 3rd Monday is MLK Day)
February 26th (please note this is the 4th Monday, as the 3rd Monday is President’s Day)
March 18th
April 15th
May 20th

will meet on Thursday, December 28th in the church parlor. All knitters, crocheters, and people who want to learn to knit are welcome.
THE YOUTH & Children will be collecting winter items for the Cabinet and also for different homeless groups this year. Hats, Scarves, Gloves, cans of SOUP or ready to eat canned goods with the pull tops (for example: ravioli or hearty soups) hand warmers - the small kind you squeeze with your hands to activate, inexpensive blankets that can be worn easily (may be gently used, they do not have to be brand new) and small sized toiletries (the youth group make homeless kits to put into the cabinet and also distribute) We will still be collecting our “normal” items for the cabinet as well! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

The invitation from Christ is: "Come and see, Follow me". Experience the magnificent passages in John including the I am statements (I am the truth, the life and the way, I am the living water and more). Revisit stories only told in John's gospel including Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene and the raising of Lazarus.
Participants for this Invitation to John do not have to have an in-depth knowledge of the Bible to enjoy and benefit from participation. Reading just two chapters of John a week, they will discover the life altering stories that will invite them to follow Christ as true disciples. We are looking forward to having you join us!!!!!
Church financials can be found here.
October Financials are now posted. Go to the Rockport All Church Information folder, Financial Reports folder, 2023 Financials folder, or get a hard copy in the church office.

Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 - 2:00pm and Fridays from 8:00 - 1:00pm.
Rev. Don's office hours are Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:00 - 1:00pm
DISTRICT NEWS: http://www.eocumc.com/northcoast/
CONFERENCE NEWS: https://www.eocumc.com/

“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” - Luke 2:10-11 (NRSVUE)
Our journey from Advent to Christmas is a significant and symbolic journey of waiting and longing. Our waiting is not a stagnant waiting, but an active waiting that rests in the anticipated movement of God. It is a time of being still to watch with a sense of wonder, to listen with a fervent heart, and to voice our deepest longings being ever mindful of how God’s love, peace, hope, and joy are being manifested among us … in unexpected circumstances, in unexpected places and, yes, through unexpected people. The Advent journey prepares us to be more aware of God’s activity in our lives and in the world.
In this holy season and in every season, we recognize that God is always coming towards us, being incarnated among us, in the ordinariness of our lives … in the beautiful places, the broken places and the barren places … and God comes and meets us in those spaces and circumstances where we need to experience God the most. God is always working for good, and nothing is ever wasted in our lives.
God comes towards us shining light into the darkness, healing the broken places in our lives and in the world, comforting those who are hurting, liberating the oppressed, and bringing good news to the poor and marginalized. The most extraordinary revelation, manifestation and embodiment of God’s love and light is the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ … who is the LIGHT and through whom we can have a relentless hope, experience deep peace, be loved unconditionally, and have unspeakable joy.
God’s love and light continue to come and to be manifested in and through our lives each and every day as we embody the love and light of Christ. Every act of kindness, every word of encouragement, every prayer or blessing, every expression of love and every act of justice that we do in Jesus’ name and for God’s glory bring more of God’s light, love, hope, and peace into the world.
This journey of waiting and longing reminds us that God is always coming towards us to love us, to bless us, and to surprise us. No matter what we are waiting for and are longing for, we can trust God to be faithful and to supply all our needs. We can pray in faith asking God to do it again, and then over and over again. We can pray to God, who incarnates, to let the love of Christ rule and reign in our hearts and in this hurting world. We can ask God to surprise us and birth something new that will bring about healing and transformation. We can ask God to let love, hope, peace, and joy be on display in our lives. And to let God’s peace and power be manifested, made visible for all humanity to see. May it be so!
Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas,
Bishop Tracy S. Malone