200THANNIVERSARY PLANNING MEETING: After worship on Feb 13th and 20th, we will be discussing Rockport's 200th Anniversary. Please stop in the Parlor and let us know any ideas that you may have to celebrate this grand event! If you would like to join the planning committee or just have some suggestions, we would like to hear from you. Please call Diana Leitch 440-759-5980 or Lisa Kay 440-570-0992.
THE COVID TASK-FORCE met again on Monday and with the continued decrease in COVID numbers in Cuyahoga County, small groups may meet at the church (book club, knitting etc.). We still need to remain diligent in our safety protocols to keep everyone at Rockport safe. With this in mind, we are continuing with the following recommendations: Masks are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED while in the building and we need to socially distance by family in the sanctuary. Choir will continue to practice in the sanctuary with safety protocols in place, as well as, Al-Anon. The task force will meet again on February 21st to reassess. THE LORD'S PRAYER LENTEN BIBLE STUDY: The power and significance of the prayer Jesus taught. All are invited to this 6-week in person study, led by Bill Eyman and Dan Newman, which will begin on Tuesday, March 8th from 7-8pm in the church parlor. Books will be purchased from Christianbook.com the week of February 21st. Please let the church office know if you would like one. Cost is $13.99 for a hardcover and $15.49 for a large print paperback plus shipping. Most Christians know the Lord’s Prayer by heart. We pray it often, at different times and in different settings. We remember it as the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples. But do we really understand and appreciate the meaning and power of its words, what we ask of God each time we pray it? When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, Jesus gave them this prayer. He likely taught it to his followers often, not just one time. He never intended the Lord’s Prayer to be a museum piece, framed and placed on a mantel or in a display case. It was Jesus teaching God’s people, through his disciples, how to pray. In The Lord’s Prayer: The Meaning and Power of the Prayer Jesus Taught, pastor and bestselling author Adam Hamilton guides us to really know—and really pray—the Lord’s Prayer. He explores each of its rich lines and their meaning in the Bible, illuminating what we ask of God and what we ask of ourselves through its words. And he teaches us how to use it as a pattern for our own prayer life.
NEHEMIAH MISSION: (6515 Bridge Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102) March 12 and 16, 9:30am, What in the World breakfast. $20 donation/person. Come for breakfast and learn about what Nehemiah is doing in the community. Also, they are in need of fabric to make curtains for the refugee families to hang in their windows when they are placed into a house to live in.
MARCH MEN’S GROUP GET TOGETHER: The Rockport Men’s Group will meet on Thursday, March 10th at 6:30 pm at the church for a potluck dinner. There will be a great meal; time for face-to-face fellowship and Dave Plachta will talk about the James Webb Space Telescope. Dave was involved in the technology selection for the cryocoolers used in the mission, which is key for the telescope optics. He saw the telescope during assembly and talked to several of the lead scientists of the mission. Come and enjoy this special time together!
BOOK CLUB: Please join us on Monday, February 14that 7pm either via zoom or in person. We will be reading the book The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration by Isabel Wilkerson. This beautifully written masterwork chronicles one of the great-untold stories of American history: the decades-long migration of black citizens who fled the South for northern and western cities, in search of a better life.Hope to see you all on February 14thfor fellowship and discussion!
REMINDER:Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 - 2:00pm and Fridays from 8:00 - 1:00pm. Rev. Don's office hours are Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:00 - 1:00pm GOOGLE DRIVE REMINDERRockport All Church Information and Financial Reports are accessible here or in the church office.