(please fill out a prayer card in the registration pads (located near the center isle), email the church office, or call to add to this list)
Michael Rice, very ill and in ICU. Please pray for healing. Requested by Dan Newman
Loretta Coyne, recovering from surgery. Please pray for strength. Requested by Dan Newman
Cal, going through physical problems from diabetes. Friend of Laurie Weaver
Gail, waiting on medical results. Friend of Laurie Weaver
Walter Wielkiewicz Jr., recovering from back surgery. Son-in-law of Velma Malecki
Lynn Burris, prayers for healing from another back surgery. Brother -in-law of Beverly Cavanah
Nancy Geyer, recovering from oral surgery
Dennis O’Neil, prayers for medical procedure in August
Maria Magyar, bone marrow transplant. Requested by Beverly Cavanah
Kathrine (Kitty) Magyar, broken hip from fall. Requested by Beverly Cavanah
Sherri G., prayers for insight in job decisions
Debra Rice, healing for her knee replacement. Friend of Nancy Geyer
Karen, facing the spread of cancer to her back. Dear friend of Ann
Pattie Sinnes, prayers for continued recovery from her recent release from the hospital
Judy Watkins, prayers for health and comfort. Mother of Beckie Zullo
Nina Jones, reoccurrence of cancer. Requested by Jan Hnanicek
Vicki Moenich, reoccurrence of cancer
David Stephan, prayers and healing while undergoing cancer treatment
Dave Clinton, health concerns
Debra, cancer returned for third time. Friend of Lynn Wilkenson
Elsie Gaewsky, prayers for healing and strength
Betty Jones, prayers for healing
Jan Tietje, medical concerns