Bishop Tracy S. Malone Shares Information about Legislation Approved at General Conference

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Then, on the Vimeo page click the download link underneath the video window.
In the above video message, Bishop Tracy S. Malone shares with laity and clergy how some of the legislation approved at General Conference will impact mission and ministry in the East Ohio Conference. In her message, the bishop also provides details about the May 18 East Ohio General Conference Informational Session to be held at Wooster UMC.

Spaghetti Dinner will be MAY 18TH from 4-8:00pm. We still need, servers, set-up, clean-up, to-go meal leader, kitchen help and a few more bakers. Please sign-up if you are willing/able to help in any way. Also, pick up a sign for your yard after worship on May 12th!

Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt is “a book revolving around a mischievous giant pacific octopus in a small town aquarium, attended by a lovely old lady who cleans it. The two unlikely friends navigate their individual isolated lives, as both deal with heartbreak and other tensions that everyone is familiar with”. We will discuss this book on Monday, June 17th @ 7:00pm on the church patio (weather permitting). Hope to see everyone on June 17th for food, fun, fellowship and discussion.
Choir will be on break after May 5th and during the summer and will return after Labor Day. There are special music opportunities for anyone for Summer 10:00am Sunday worship services. Please sign-up on the bulletin board for any Sunday this summer to do special music. Contact Susan Shick, Music Director/Organist cell,440-364-9672, or the church, 440-331-9433 with any questions.
Rockport is blessed to have a beautiful hidden gem, our outdoor sanctuary. Thank you, Renovators, for fixing pews, power washing the concrete, and staining the pews, along with many church members who helped finish the staining. Our outdoor sanctuary is ready for services beginning May 26th through Sept. 15th, at 10am and please dress accordingly. In the event of rain, we will move indoors to our air-conditioned sanctuary. EMS remains at 8:30am in our indoor chapel.
Peace with Justice Sunday celebration is May 26, 2024. This offering is collected the first Sunday after Pentecost and it supports peace with justice ministries through the General Board of Church and Society and the annual conferences. Envelopes are available by the treasure chest.
The church office will be closed on Friday, May 24th for a vacation day for Sara, and Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. Please call Pastor Don with any Pastoral concerns.
If you have a graduate from high school, college, or trade school, please let us know! We will be recognizing all graduates at our Youth Sunday Worship on July 28th, as the Youth conduct the service.
The Youth Group are collecting bottle caps for a mission project. The plastic kind from 2 liter and 16/20/24 oz bottles. The Youth Group will explain it all soon! There will be a container on the Christian Ed table to dump your caps in! Thank you!
Come and join us at 12 noon, bring your lunch and enjoy your food AND a great discussion! We will explore various topics in the church and Bible.
May 20th
June 17th-break, no chat and chew
July 15th
August 19th
Volunteers needed for community VBS!!! Please see Kira!
Community VBS offered by Rocky River Presbyterian Church, St. Christopher Church, and Rockport UMC!
Presenting Gone Fishin’!
Monday, June 10 – Friday, June 14, 2024, at RRPC
More info available!

What something fun to do this summer and also learn more about Jesus?
The Chosen is a groundbreaking historical television drama based on the life of Jesus, seen through the eyes of those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the seven-season show shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings. With over 200 million viewers, The Chosen is one of the most watched shows in the world!
Please join us Tuesdays from 6 – 7:30 pm, we will have dinner, viewing the Chosen Season 1 (outside on the patio, weather permitting), prayer and discussion. Starting June 4 – July 23.

Please consider hosting coffee hour and sign-up on the bulletin board. Fellowship is so important to the life of the church and why not have a little snack at the same time!
February 2024 Church financials can be found here.
Go to the Rockport All Church Information folder, Financial Reports folder, 2024 Financials folder, or get a hard copy in the church office.
Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 - 2:00pm and Fridays from 8:00 - 1:00pm.
Rev. Don's office hours are Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:00 - 1:00pm
Bishop Tracy S. Malone, resident bishop of the East Ohio Conference, is the new president of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church. Malone is the first Black woman in the history of the worldwide denomination to be elected president of the Council of Bishops.
“It gives me great joy to receive this honor that has been bestowed upon me, and I consider it a privilege for my colleagues to have elected me as the president of the Council of Bishops. To God be the glory,” Malone said.
Read the entire article by Rick Wolcott, executive director of Communications.
View all of the General Conference Updates, including the video of the passing of the gavel to Bishop Malone, Bishop Malone's Wednesday message (pictured above) about the historic decision to remove from The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Chruch the restrictions on gay clergy and on performing same-sex marriages, while protecting those who choose not to perform same-sex marriages or have a same-sex marriage in their church, and Bishop Malone's sermon from this morning. There have been many changes made at General Conference, and it may take awhile to fully understand them all. Question and answer sessions are being planned throughout the conference to give people an opportunity to ask questions and gain understanding. Stay tuned for the details.
General Conference Recap:
… and Know that I am God

To view and download this video, first click the image above.
Then, on the Vimeo page click the download link underneath the video window.
Nearly 800 delegates from across the worldwide United Methodist Church gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina April 23 – May 3 for the postponed 2020 General Conference, which couldn’t meet because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The six lay and six clergy delegates of the East Ohio Conference had front row seats in the middle section of classroom tables inside the Charlotte Convention Center for General Conference, which is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church. The assembly meets at the beginning of each quadrennium to consider revisions to church law, adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy, and economic issues, and approve plans and budgets for church-wide programs for the next four years.
During the 10 days of General Conference, delegates:
- adopted regionalization legislation,
- approved legislation that will remove restrictive, prohibitive language from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church,
- adopted legislation that will grant Deacons authority to preside at sacraments,
- approved legislation to reduce the number of active bishops in the United States,
- adopted a reduced budget for the 2025-2028 quadrennium,
- approved legislation to change the clergy retirement plan,
- adopted climate justice legislation,
- and much more.
Read the General Conference recap article.
Download and share the GC recap video.
Learn more about this year’s General Conference
By Brett Hetherington* East Ohio Conference delegates to General Conference took part in the historic vote at General Conference that will remove from The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church restrictive language that bans clergy persons from “being a self-avowed practicing homosexual; or conducting ceremonies which celebrate homosexual unions; or performing same-sex wedding ...
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