Greetings Rockport Family,
I am sending you prayers this week as we continue to plan for the opening of Rockport Early Childhood Center and begin making plans to resume in-person activities at Rockport UMC. It has been a busy time - my email inbox, text messages, and voicemail boxes are overflowing. I appreciate your patience as we navigate this time together!
This week, worship online will look a little different. In an effort to embrace the spirit of effective communication this Pentecost, and to connect with our friends and members who do not have access to Facebook or YouTube, we have added a call-in option so that people can listen to the worship service each week. This will be done through Zoom. To access worship, please call beginning at 10:20am: (929) 205 6099. When you dial in, you'll be asked to enter your Meeting ID, followed by #. The meeting ID for worship is: 829 0866 8235. You'll then be asked to enter a participant ID, followed by #. There is no participant ID, so just hit #. Then you'll be asked to enter the password and #. The password for worship is 2020. Those calling in for worship will be muted (so we won't be able to hear you!) but you will be able to hear worship. Worship will begin at 10:30.
For those of you watching worship online, hymns will look different. Instead of watching and hearing us sing, you'll see the words to the hymns on the screen. We'll be singing at our house - so we encourage you to sing along if you are watching at home.
We also have a few folks who have volunteered to serve as readers in worship - so we give thanks to those folks for submitting their videos and helping us all worship together.
I continue to keep you all in my prayers. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me during this time by calling my cell phone or by email
Wishing you peace,
Rev. Lorrin Radzik
Pastor, Rockport UMC