Loving and gracious Father,
Surround those who have graduated with your grace. Bless them with hope so that they move into the future with eager and open hearts. Help them to put the knowledge, skills, and insights gained through their education for the good of all mankind. Inspire them to believe in the goodness of life even when faced with challenges and difficulties. As they commence with their lives, may they grow even more grateful and wise. May they always know that not only how much WE love them, but also you, loving Father. In your glorious name we pray, Amen.

Potluck right after 10:00am worship.
Hot dogs, brats and chicken will be on the grill.
Please bring a side dish to share.
(Sign-up sheet is posted!)
Dessert is already covered so no desserts are needed.
We will be having ice-cream sundaes.
All family, friends and co-workers are welcome
so spread the word and invite someone!
We will have some games ready so please wear
casual clothes so you can participate.
Questions or to help: Call Diana Leitch. 440-759-5980

The Youth Group are collecting bottle caps for a mission project. The plastic kind - for example, 2 liter and 16/20/24 oz bottles.
During these past weeks we have been asking you, the congregation, to collect bottle caps, and we are providing the boxes to collect them with to make it easier. (courtesy of Dave Stephan! THANK YOU!) You can grab one on your way out of the church on the Christian Ed table in the hallway…
We have been asking to collect these caps in order to create our own bench, fully from the caps we have collected. This bench will signify how recycling can be seen and the process. This bench will be placed in a chosen location on the church grounds. Along with these recycled caps, we will also accept donations to use towards the processing of the caps to the bench.
Through our collective efforts we will eventually have a product that can be enjoyed by everyone. You can find the acceptable caps and lids list posted on the table with the boxes, and also will be sent out in the Rockport updates. We will be collecting until Thanksgiving! Thank you! The link for information… https://www.greentreeplastics.com/abc-program/

Choir is on break for the summer and will return after Labor Day. There are special music opportunities for anyone for the 10:00am Sunday worship services. Please sign-up on the bulletin board for any Sunday this summer to do special music. Contact Susan Shick, Music Director/Organist cell,440-364-9672, or the church, 440-331-9433 with any questions.

ROCKPORT UMC VBS Night School Fête – 5 to 8 p.m.
Monday, August 5TH
4 yr old through 6th graders (plus youth volunteers welcome!)
Please let us know if you’re kids or significant kids in your life will attend so that we can prepare!
Dinner, fun, learning, and games. We will go through some of the favorite Bible festivals!
There are volunteer opportunities for Adults, as well! Let us know if you’re interested in joining us!
Thank you!
Kira Cimino Holchin

The Chosen is a groundbreaking historical television drama based on the life of Jesus, seen through the eyes of those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Israel, the seven-season show shares an authentic and intimate look at Jesus’ revolutionary life and teachings. With over 200 million viewers, The Chosen is one of the most watched shows in the world!
The Chosen is a show that everyone can watch, and it does not need to be viewed consecutively. We are just finishing up viewing season 1 and have had between 25 – 35 people for each dinner and show!
Please join us Tuesdays from 5:30 – 8:30 pm, we will have dinner, viewing back-to-back episodes of the Chosen Season 2 and prayer (outside on the patio, weather permitting). All are welcome. The show teaches the human side of Jesus and his Chosen followers!

Join us on Wednesday, August 28th at 7:00pm in the church parlor. “First Lies Wins is a 2024 psychological thriller by Ashley Elston. The novel follows Evie Porter, a con artist hired by a mysterious employer to infiltrate the life of a handsome businessman. Evie sinks deeper into this false life, and the job slowly starts to spiral out of her control. As Evie fights to complete the job without ruining her alias, she finds herself pulled into a series of events that threaten to expose her true identity and unmask the organization she works for. First Lie Wins is a tense, female-focused thriller that uses its pacey plot to think about identity, community, and the possibility of redemption.”Hope to see everyone on August 28th for food, fellowship and discussion
Lunch & Chat Adult Discussion Group!
Come and join us! Bring your lunch and enjoy your food AND a great discussion! We will explore various topics in the church and Bible.
12 to 2 p.m.!
August 19th
September 16th
October 21st
November 18th
December 16th
Please consider hosting coffee hour and sign-up on the bulletin board. Fellowship is so important to the life of the church and why not have a little snack at the same time!
June 2024 Church financials can be found here.
Go to the Rockport All Church Information folder, Financial Reports folder, 2024 Financials folder, or get a hard copy in the church office.
Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 - 2:00pm and Fridays from 8:00 - 1:00pm.
Rev. Don's office hours are Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:00 - 1:00pm
DISTRICT NEWS: www.eocumc.com/northernwaters
Northern Waters News
Save the Dates!
Charge Conferences will be held in three locations in the Northern Waters District on Saturday, November 2, at Brecksville UMC at 10:00 a.m., and First UMC in Akron at 2:00 p.m., and Sunday, November 3, 2024, at Geneva UMC in the afternoon (time to be finalized soon). Plan now to have your paperworkcompleted in very early October. Pastoral and SPRC consultations will begin in August. Schedule coming Monday.
CONFERENCE NEWS: https://www.eocumc.com
OPEN M Summer Cookout Builds Community Connections
By EOC News on August 1, 2024
By Brett Hetherington* Food, music, games, and resources drew many from Akron to the OPEN M summer picnic. OPEN M, the abbreviated name of Opportunity Parish Ecumenical Neighborhood Ministry, is an Advance Special of the East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church that desires to present the gospel and be good neighbors. “We’re here […]
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