On Monday, July 19th the Opening Committee met and decided that Rockport would follow the guidance from Bishop Malone and the Cabinet as stated below:
"The following guidelines are based upon the most current best practices as communicated by the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Ohio Department of Health. These guidelines are provided so that the covenant community of United Methodists in East Ohio may continue to minimize risk, stamp out disease, and step into God’s new thing – a truly post-COVID-19 pandemic world – with confidence and hope.
Attendance at Worship, Study and Fellowship Persons who are not feeling well or are exhibiting symptoms of the coronavirus should remain at home.
Congregations are encouraged to continue to offer alternate options for engagement – ie. livestreaming, Zoom access, video recordings, all-call phone access, etc.
Rockport will continue to offer live streaming for our 10am Worship service and offer Zoom access to all meetings.
Face Masks Face masks are no longer required for those persons who have been fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated = two weeks past the date of a person’s final COVID-19 vaccine shot.
The wearing of face masks is encouraged for those who are not fully vaccinated and/or have health vulnerabilities.
In the same way that the safety of our elders has been honored throughout this global crisis let us demonstrate the same concern for our children who have yet to be vaccinated as well as persons who are immunocompromised. Please honor the safety and preference of those persons who, for personal reasons, choose to continue to wear face masks.
Social Distancing We recognize the need for honoring personal space in all times and spaces. Appropriate social distancing is encouraged. Greet one another in the joy of Christ and with mutual agreement as to the method.
Offertory We celebrate the returning of God’s gifts to God’s work as an act of worship. Continue to explore and employ “touchless” methods of sharing tithes and offerings.
Rockport will continue online giving through on our website, mail in offerings, and our treasure chest is available at all in person Worship services.
Holy Communion To keep the Lord’s Table safe and accessible to all persons, continue to employ the use of single serving (pre-packaged) elements, which Rockport will use once a month and at every EMS service.
Singing John Wesley encouraged believers, “Above all sing spiritually. Have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing God more than yourself…” (John Wesley’s Select Hymns, 1761) In all our worship let us aim to “please God more than ourselves.” Rockport encourages those who are comfortable to sing, to do so, and those who are not, be respected not to.” ~~
 ALL HANDS ON DECK! WE NEED volunteers for VBS!
Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering in some capacity! (Youth AND Adults!) *Teachers (3 or 4 would be great) *”Classroom” helpers (we will be outside) *Bakers (we will need Homemade cookies) *DINNER helpers (We will be doing pizza this year) *Set-up and tear down (SMALL SCALE, not my normal crazy haha) *Craft Helpers *Outdoor Games Helpers NEEDED for Dinner: Pizza Donations Veggies: Cucumbers, Carrots, Grape Tomatoes Cups Paper Plates Napkins
Rockport All Church Information and Financial Reports are accessible here or in the church office. Please note June Financials are available.
The church's playground needs weeding and the toys and equipment need power washing. Anyone interested in helping out with this please call Nick Berardi, 216-218-6532.
EMS is a worship that is contemplative - a time to be quiet and be still and see how the Holy Spirt moves us to Worship God and be Christ-like! EMS is on Sundays from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. in the chapel.
EMS is being co-led by Rev. Don, Perry Hann, and Dan Newman. EMS is scripture based and there is always communion! We ask for your prayers, your presence, and please invite your friends to come to the EMS! We love God and would love to see you worshiping as part of our church family at EMS. Please e-mail or call the church with any questions. Blessings!
Rockport Community Service Program Rockport UMC contacted Rocky River and Fairview Park City Senior Centers seeking to do God’s will by assisting senior homeowners who may lack the means to properly maintain their homes. We are going to start by helping an elderly woman named Maria, who lives on W. 215th street in Fairview Park. This is a bungalow house that has a broken cement pad on its front porch, water leak issues in several windows, overgrown tree branches, and debris filled gutters. If you are interested in helping, please contact Dave Plachta at 440-829-3184 or sign-up on the chapel hallway bulletin board. ~~ BIKE & PRAYER

Join us on August 4th, 6:30pm at the church for the next Bike & Prayer. Hope to see you there!

Greetings in Christ! I want to write a few lines of Congratulations to all of our Graduates! These last two school years (2020 and 2021) will FOR SURE be written in our history books as two of the most CRAZY and difficult years in the history of Education - BUT ALSO the WORLD! (Am I right!) So many of us, whether in high school and under, or college and elsewhere in the learning world, were either shut down entirely or suspended, and then ONLINE... All of that made the final year or two of education quite challenging, to say the least, let alone if you were a person headed for graduation! What has been especially difficult for those of us around you is the fact that we also could not be together as a Church family to watch the last legs of your journeys. WE ARE SO very proud of all that has been accomplished and cannot wait to see you soar above this crazy time and continue that journey. WE WILL ALWAYS be here for you - no matter where you go in the world - and always REMEMBER that GOD is with you, every single step of the way. WE LOVE YOU GRADUATES! (TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! ) Kira Cimino Holchin, and the entire Rockport UMC Family
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. ~ Colossians 2:6-7
Congratulations!!!! Annabella Cowley – Graduating from Avon High School with High Honors, Annabella will be attending Miami University this fall! Hailey Weaver – a Graduate, and Valedictorian, of Fairview Park High School, Hailey will be attending New York University to study Political Science (Pre-law) Jack Munro – Jack is a graduate of Fairview Park High School, and will be attending The University of Toledo in the fall, with a Major in Mechanical Engineering. Anna Brandt – Anna has graduated from Cleveland State University, as Valedictorian from the College of Education and Human Services, with a Bachelor of Exercise Science. She plans on attending Ball State University in the fall to pursue a Master of Exercise Physiology. Jamie Spallino - Jamie graduated in May from Wittenberg University, summa cum laude, with a BA in English. She is working as a grant/technical writer for a Cleveland area school.
~~ REV. DON'S contact information: 440-391-9823
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00am - 1:00pm Through Labor Day

Please join us on Tuesday, Aug. 3rd at 7pm outside on the church patio. We will be reading The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave. This is a mystery/domestic suspense about a man living a lie and his wife and daughter who struggle to discover who he really is. When Hannah Hall receives a note from her husband stating nothing more than “Protect her,” one random afternoon, her whole world shatters. Her husband Owen has disappeared without a trace, and she soon learns that he was not the man she thought he was. Charged with taking care of her contentious stepdaughter, Bailey, she and Bailey slowly begin to investigate Owen leading them to danger and a startling revelation. Hope to see you all on Aug. 3rd for fellowship and discussion!

All are welcome to join the knitters this summer on the following nights: Aug. 4th & 18th 7:00pm on the church patio. Hope to see you there!